About Us

“Marketing Excellence Based on Strong Data

Excellent marketing strategies are shaped by robust and accurate data. As a provider of hotel meta-search services, we embrace a data-driven approach for effective marketing activities.”

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

The continuous analysis of data ensures the ongoing evolution of our marketing strategies. Swift adaptation to changing trends and customer needs aids in enhancing your hotel’s competitive edge.

We acknowledge the value of excellent marketing strategies based on robust data. Embracing a data-driven approach enables us to establish more effective communication with your target audience and introduce your hotel to a broader clientele.”

“Personalization that goes way beyond your website and booking engine. Comobed personalizes the customer experience everywhere by utilizing your unique data throughout the entire booking process, not just on your website. When OTAs undercut you on price, automatically reduce your prices in metasearch results to win the booking.”

“Make rapid, savvy decisions in a fast-paced market
From automatically matching lower-priced OTAs in metasearch results to tailoring your website and mobile experience in real time for your distinct guests, Comobed’s data insights are geared for immediate action. Accelerate your customers’ choice to book directly and drive revenue at a swifter pace.”

“Say goodbye to paying twice for the same reservation! Comobed streamlines hotel marketers’ work by automatically eliminating overlapping attributions across different marketing channels. Save your time, preserve your budget, and provide a more consistent experience for customers!”